Questions You Should Ask Your Plastic Surgeon During Your Consultation
If you are considering breast augmentation surgery, it is important to learn as much as possible. You should learn about your surgeon, the differences between saline and silicone implants, the surgical procedure, what your recovery will be like, the risks associated with breast implants, and the financial issues surrounding breast enhancement.
Important Things To Know About Breast Augmentation
Below is a list of questions that you may want to research or ask your plastic surgeon.
Your surgeon’s qualifications and experience
Are you certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery? If not, why not?
How long have you been performing breast augmentation?
What percentage of your practice is dedicated to breast augmentation?
How many breast implant surgeries to perform each year?
On average, how many revisions of your own work do you perform?
Where can I view some before and after photos of your work?
May I talk with some of your past breast augmentation patients to speak with them about their experience?
Have you ever been involved in any medical malpractice suits?
Where will my breast implant surgery be performed, in a hospital or a surgery center?
Is the surgery center an accredited facility, and do you have hospital privileges there?
Is the surgical facility proper properly certified for breast augmentation?
Will I have a general anesthesia? Will a board-certified anesthesiologist administer the general anesthesia? Or a certified nurse anesthetist?
Is the surgical center capable of handling a life-threatening emergency?
What hospital what I’d be taken to if there were a problem?
What types of breast implants do you use, saline or silicone? What is your experience with each?
What are the differences between saline and silicone breast implants?
What are the differences between round and anatomically shaped silicone gel implants?
Are silicone gel breast implants or saline breast implants better for me? Why?
What size breast implant is right for my body frame?
How will my breast implants feel?
What type of incision is used for breast implant placement? How long is the incision?
Are the implants placed under the breast gland or under the muscle?
What are the details of the warranty for these breast implants?
Are breast implants safe? Are silicone gel breast implants safe?
What alternative procedures and/or product are available to increase the size of a woman’s breast, besides breast implants?
Surgery preparation
What diet and lifestyle changes will I need to make before breast implant surgery?
Will my regular pills (birth control pills, antidepressants, herbal supplements, diet pills, etc.) affect the operation or anesthesia?
Do I need a preoperative mammogram?
Recovery from breast augmentation surgery
What do you recommend to treat swelling, bruising, and postoperative pain?
How long will I nee to take pain medication?
Do I need to have somebody stay with me after surgery?
Will I need help at home for normal activities after surgery? And if so, for how long?
Will I have any activity or exercise restrictions after breast augmentation?
Will I be able to pick up my children after surgery?
When can I shower after surgery?
What kind of bra do you recommend after surgery? How long do I wear it?
What is my expected recovery time? How long will I need to be off work?
When can I return to the gym, and my regular exercise routine, after surgery?
If I have an emergency after going home, how can I reach you?
When will I return for my first follow-up evaluation? How many times after surgery will I need to come back to the office for evaluation?
What are the risks and complications associated with having breast implants?
What are the more common complications following breast implant surgery?
Am I likely to have problems with implant rippling?
Will I lose any sensation in my nipples or breast?
What is the risk of implant failure?
What is the risk of capsular contracture?
Is there anything I can do to minimize the risk of short-term and long-term complications?
If I have any complications, what is your policy? What fees do I have to pay? Do you cover any of the expenses? Do you recommend a cosmetic surgery complication insurance policy?
What is the risk associated with general anesthesia?
What is your complication rate for Infection? Hematoma? Failure? Capsular contracture?
What is your reoperation rate?
What is the most common type of reoperation you perform?
What if I am not happy with the size of my breasts?
What are my options if I am dissatisfied with the outcome of my breast implants?
Financial issues associated with breast augmentation Surgery
How much does breast augmentation surgery cost?
What is included in your surgical fee? What is not covered?
When are the fees due?
Will I have to pay for follow-up examinations?
If the breast implant fails, what surgical fees do I have to pay?
If I have complications or other problems that require additional surgery, is that included in the initial fee? What fees will I have to pay?
If I’m not satisfied with my surgical result, and need a revision surgery, is that included in the initial surgical fees?
If I want to have my breast implants removed, is breast implant removal included in the initial fee?
Is there a deposit is required prior to surgery? Will my deposit be refunded if I change my mind?
Do you take credit cards? Personal checks?
Do you offer any financing? Can I finance the whole cost of the operation, or just a portion of it?
What happens over time?
How long will my breast implants last?
How will I be able to tell if my breast implants have ruptured? How are you able to tell if there is a problem with my breast implants?
What are the long-term consequences of having breast implants?
How many additional operations on my breast can I expect to have over my lifetime?
How often do my breast implants need to be replaced?
What can I expect my breast to look like overtime? What do I need to do to maintain my breasts?
What kind of additional follow-up will I need?
After I get breast implants, what will happen to my breasts with age?
How will my breasts look if I decide to have my implants removed at some point? Will I need a lift?
Breast implants and breast-cancer
Do breast implants cause breast cancer?
Can I still get breast implants if I have a strong family history of breast cancer?
Can I still get mammograms with breast implants in place?
How do breast implants affect mammograms?
Will the implants make mammograms less accurate in detecting breast cancer?
Will the mammograms rupture my breast implants?
Breast implants, pregnancy, and breast-feeding
What will happen to my breasts if I get pregnant? What will my breast look like after pregnancy?
Will I be able to breast-feed after having breast implants?
If I am going to have more children, should I get breast implants now or should I wait until I’m done having children?
NEXT TOPIC: Learn more in Breast Aug 201
What is the Gel-to-Shell Fill Volume Ratio?
Each round silicone gel-filled breast implant is comprised of a silicone elastomer shell which contains the silicone gel filling. Silicone gel breast implants are filled by the manufacturer with a moderately cohesive (responsive) silicone gel. If you look carefully at...
How Firm is a Saline Breast Implant?
During the consultation today, a patient asked me, "Aren't saline implants harder?" Well, it actually depends. Let me start by saying that if you have ever held a saline implant and a silicone gel implant side-by-side, you know that they feel completely different, and...
Why is a board certified plastic surgeon important for my breast augmentation?
I recently saw a woman in consultation for a failed saline breast implant. She had her breast augmentation performed seven years earlier by a surgeon who advertises like a plastic surgeon, but is not board certified in plastic surgery. And as far as I am aware, has...
Do I need to change my breast implants after 10 years?
During breast augmentation consultations women frequently make a comment, or ask a question, about having to change their breast implants every 10 years. The comment or question is usually worded in such a way that they have the understanding that breast implants need...
What is a Capsular Contracture?
Capsular contracture is the most common complication following breast augmentation. Reported capsular contracture rates range from a few percent to much more significant numbers depending upon the criteria used for evaluation and inclusion. An average rate is probably...
How Much Does Breast Augmentation Cost?
Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgical procedure that is not covered by insurance. Pricing for breast augmentation surgery includes the surgeon’s fee, the cost for anesthesia, the facility fee, the price of the breast implants, and possibly some other...
Dr. Dembny is a Member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons
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Dr. Dembny is a Member of The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
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Dr. Dembny is a Diplomate of The American Board of Plastic Surgery, Inc.
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