Breast Augmentation Pre-Op
It is necessary to ensure you are in good health prior to your operation. Depending upon your medical condition, you may be asked to have a pre-operative physical examination within 4 weeks of your breast augmentation surgery. Breast augmentation patients do not usually require any lab work before surgery, unless specifically stated by your physician.
What is required before breast implant surgery ?
In order to maximize your chances of a good surgical outcome, and minimize the risks of surgery, it is important that patients follow the pre-surgical recommendations of their plastic surgeon. The following is a list of general guidelines to prepare you for your augmentation surgery.
Two (2) Weeks Prior to Surgery
- Please do not take medicines NSAIDs containing aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), ibuprofen, or naproxen since these interfere with normal blood clotting. Aspirin-containing products include Anacin®, Bayer®, Bufferin®, Ecotrin®, Excedrin®, and some multi-symptom cold and flu medications. Ibuprofen-containing products include Advil®, Medipren®, Motrin®, Nuprin®, and some multi-symptom cold and flu medications. Naproxen-containing products include Aleve®, Anaprox®, Naprelan®, Naprosyn®. Other NSAIDs include Diclofenac [Voltaren®], Meloxicam [Mobic®], and others.
- Please discontinue all herbal medications and supplements as many have side effects that could complicate a surgical procedure by inhibiting blood clotting, affecting blood pressure, or interfering with anesthetics.
- Please discontinue all prescription, over-the-counter, or herbal diet pills and appetite suppressants as many will interfere with anesthesia and can cause cardiovascular concerns.
- Please discontinue all over-the-counter or herbal natural diuretics as many will interfere with anesthesia and can cause cardiovascular concerns.
- Please do not consume “megadoses” of vitamin E, as this can interfere with vitamin K absorption which is necessary for proper blood clotting. The dose of vitamin E in a daily multivitamin (usually 400 units) is fine.
- You may take acetaminophen [Tylenol®]; this does not interfere with blood clotting or healing.
- Begin taking a multivitamin each day and continue taking this through your recovery.
- You should stop smoking at least 2 weeks prior to surgery. Smokers cough more after general anesthesia and this can increase the risk of post-operative bleeding. Nicotine reduces blood flow to the skin and can cause significant complications during healing, especially in patients having breast lift surgery. Second hand smoke and nicotine gum can cause similar problems, so those should be avoided as well.
One (1) Week Prior to Surgery
- Please avoid alcohol or other drugs for one week prior to surgery and one week after surgery as these can interfere with anesthesia and affect blood clotting.
- If your skin tolerates, use an antibacterial soap for bathing.
- Please report any signs or symptoms of a cold, flu, upper respiratory infection, or skin infection at the surgical site — appearing before surgery.
- Make arrangements for a responsible adult to drive you to and from the surgical facility on the day of surgery. Following your surgery, you will not be allowed to leave on your own.
- Make arrangements for a responsible individual to spend the first 24 hours with you.
- If you take medications regularly, please check with your doctor about which medications you are supposed to take the morning of surgery.
Night Before Surgery
- Do not eat or drink anything (including water, gum, candy, mints juice, or coffee) after midnight, the night before your surgery.
- Take a thorough shower with anti-bacterial soap [containing chlorhexidine gluconate, CHG] the night before surgery. This is to decrease the bacteria on the skin and thereby decrease the risk of infection.
Morning of Surgery
- Do not eat or drink anything (including water, gum, candy, mints juice, or coffee) the morning of surgery.
- If you take medications regularly, take only those medications recommended by your doctor, with a sip of water.
- Take a thorough shower with anti-bacterial soap [containing chlorhexidine gluconate, CHG], and shampoo your hair, the morning of surgery.
- This decreases the bacteria on your skin and the risk of infection.
- Please do not apply any of the following to your skin, hair, or face the morning of surgery: makeup, creams, lotions, hair gels, sprays, perfumes, powder, nail polish or deodorant. Using any of these products will add bacteria to the skin and increase the risk of infection.
- You may brush your teeth the morning of surgery but do not drink anything.
- Do not wear contacts to surgery. If you do wear glasses, bring your eyeglass case with you.
- Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes that do not have to be pulled over your head. A button-up or zip-up top, pull on pants, and easy-to-slip-on flat shoes will be the easiest and most comfortable.
- Do not bring any valuables or wear any jewelry (rings, earrings, chains, toe rings, other metal piercings or watches).
- Remove your body piercings and leave them at home.
- You must have an adult drive for you home from surgery. Please note that a cab or bus driver will not be allowed to take you home after surgery. On arrival, be sure we know your driver’s name, phone numbers, and how (s)he can be reached.
- If you are not recovering at home, it is very important that your surgeon have the number where you will be staying after surgery.
NEXT TOPIC: Post-operative Care
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