Kjersti’s Breast Augmentation Experience

The stars had finally aligned, I was in a time in my life where the thought of having breast augmentation surgery was no more a thought, but a reality. I had done years of research looking up multiple doctors, implant types, sizes, hundreds of Google images – the list goes on! I watched with envy as a handful of girlfriends got their “dream boobs” and they couldn’t have been happier. All of them saying, “I wish I would have done it sooner.”
After going through puberty and realizing my breasts were not as large as I’d hoped, I continued through my adult years with this nagging feeling I wanted more. The size of my breasts didn’t prevent me from doing things or make me terribly self-conscious, but I bought bras that made my boobs look bigger than they really were. I liked the way I looked in my clothing until I had to wear a swimsuit or an outfit that made me look disproportionate to my pear shape, then I felt unhappy. I needed balance. There was nothing I could do with my butt, hips and thighs! One thing that made me slightly hesitant about having the surgery was what people would think of me. I eventually got over that, but still didn’t share with a lot of people. I didn’t want everyone staring at me for the first time after surgery searching for the difference. I figured if they wondered they would ask, and I am not shy about it now. I want to share my experience with anyone and everyone who wants to know about it. I found other people’s stories helped me immensely throughout the process.
With the support of my husband, and a few close friends and family, it was now my turn. I called around to a few doctors in the Milwaukee area to set up consultations. Still feeling like I should make one more appointment I came across the Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Specialists website. After reading Dr. Dembny’s bio and looking at before and after pictures, I decided to call and make an appointment. I had read in other reviews how fantastic the staff was and, based on my experience, it was absolutely true. I was extremely impressed, starting with my first phone call to now being a year out from surgery.
Although my appointment with Dr. Dembny was the last one I made, he was the first doctor I saw. I will tell you after meeting with him, I made my surgery appointment that day and cancelled all of my other consults. That approach may not be for everyone, but for me, I knew I had found the right doctor. He was thoughtful and patient. He listened to my thoughts and feelings and wanted the best results for me and my body. During my consult I threw out a number of cc’s I had been contemplating. He smiled and said, “Where did you get that number from?” For me the answer was simple, “I liked how they looked on the woman I saw online!” We both laughed. Apparently, that is not the way to pick your size! I was pretty sure I wanted a silicone implant. My husband and I liked the way they felt, as opposed to the saline. Dr. Dembny also agreed that would be the best choice for me. We collectively decided he would take three implant sizes into the operating room and, while I was in surgery, he would decide which fit best. I did request that he put in the biggest implant he thought was safe; knowing I would have been happy with any of the options.
Surgery was scheduled for March 23rd. I was so excited the night before I could hardly sleep. My surgery went very well! Everything had gone as planned. A couple hours later I was on my way home to rest. My recovery was not bad at all. I never had extreme pain but more discomfort than anything. On day two my implants felt like they were in my throat, but I wasn’t taking my pain pills anymore. Ibuprofen seemed to help with any discomfort. I was driving a little by the fourth day and back to work after 10 days. I am a hairstylist, so I needed to be able to put my hands above my head. I saw Dr. Dembny for follow-up at 10 days, then again at six weeks and three months. Things were healing nicely, and I felt fantastic. My clothes fit better. I was buying fun bras and swimsuit shopping. I was thrilled with my results and felt my breasts were truly perfect!
Fast forward to about a week before my 3-month check, I was getting in the shower and I noticed my left breast was sitting higher than it had been the past two weeks. Panic immediately set in. I felt like it could be capsular contracture on that side. I finished getting ready for work and emailed Dr. Dembny with my concerns. He responded right away (which he does consistently) and asked to see pictures. I had stopped for a coffee so decided to take a picture in the bathroom. I was already thinking the absolute worse before knowing anything. I knew I had an appointment the following week, but that wasn’t soon enough for me. I asked if it was possible to see him that week. He got me in late on a Friday night and took his time examining me. We talked for a while then he gave me a wrap to try and push the implant back to where it belonged. In the end it was capsular contracture and I was going to have to have another surgery. I knew this was a possibility and although a small chance of it happening, could happen. There were a lot of tears, I felt bad that I was going to have to go through surgery again, it was another cost, and I knew there was a chance that it could happen to me again.
My cap con surgery was scheduled for December. I felt 100% percent comfortable with the surgery and plan for fixing my breast. My surgery was quite long, only because Dr. Dembny wanted to make sure everything was done for the best result possible. Immediate recovery for me this time was quite different; first of all I had a drain tube sticking out the side of my breast which was uncomfortable, but that also meant I couldn’t shower until it came out which was seven days after surgery. I was also very tired this time. I thought it was due to the fact that I was under anesthesia for a longer period of time for this surgery. After the first week I was feeling much better. The breast was sitting comfortably in the pocket and I didn’t have the swollen feeling I had the first time around. I was also able to begin working out again with the doctor’s permission sooner than I had previously.
It is now March exactly a year out from my original surgery and three months out from my capsular contracture procedure. I was concerned since I had to have two surgeries about my breasts looking like they were a “match” … I will tell you they are! I am beyond thrilled with my results and the care I received through the entire process. I have recommended Dr. Dembny to friends and anyone else I have met who has inquired about my experience. You will receive the best care and results you could ask for!
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